The journey to google adsense

The journey to google adsense-At first,I know the domain and hosting from my friend. But long before that,I have learned about the blog. At that time I was still in school. Only with a few friends,I gained a little knowledge about the blogger. Not long after that,my immediate practice on how to create a blog. Learn about the layout, overview, statistics, posts, comments, articles and more. Not at all I had trouble about it,but strangely I do not understand the menu of additional income.Why, because the income on my blog menu it does not appear.After my thorough, it turns out I find something. Menu income does not arise because the settings menu using Indonesian at the time and the language menu.

It is true that at that time google adsense,not support the Indonesian as now. But for this issue,did have to use the English language to bring up the menu income. Finally after learn more,I can understand what the menu income, how it functions and what a benefit that. How my admiration, it turns out the menu can make income on the author's blog wealthy. I grew spirit, feeling my writing appreciated. After that I started to register my blog to google adsense. First I signed up, I experienced a bad thing. It turns out that it is not easy to apply google adsense. My application to work as a publisher adsense ads don't approve,oh no.

I do not give up, I keep the spirit.Then I fix my blog, to make it better.I spent a few months to make my blog better.Until the time, I also graduated school. At the Same time my blog has been completed and good in my opinion.At that time, I graduated in 2011.I registered my blog back to google adsense.Hearts pounding waiting for my adsense announcements, accepted or rejected. It hurt my heart, when I read an email from google.Again I refused to be a publisher adsense ads.In my heart I lost, and I finally gave up to be peneyang adsense ads.All my dreams have to end there Okay.

3 years later, I've got a lot of experience and I have also been working.Bitterness and sweetness of life a little more to know.In the third year running, I actually still unthinkable about adsense.This time I braced full determination, to register adsense and must be received by this time.I bought a laptop along with a package of internet.I totally flatten my blog in the past, including changing the domain name and layout. Until I know what it is backlinks, seo and function. I apply it all on my blog, until finally finished my blog.

I registered my blog back with confidence at heart, I'm sure approved. After waiting for a week, an email notification came. What a surprise when I saw a word reads YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN APPROVED.I am pleased to be proud of ourselves, hahaha. I started looking for the dollar to put adsense ads and hope get rich quick.After I get my account approved a new challenge, namely regarding visitors and earn dollars.Up here I tell you my experience to the google adsense, until we meet again.

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14 Responses to "The journey to google adsense"

  1. Replies
    1. Hehe ah gak gan itu lagi beruntung saja,mkasih atas kunjungannya

  2. wah gk ngerti sama bhs inggris gan, ane gagal faham :v . tapi kan intinya tentang goole adsense . nice article dahhh........

    1. Ane jga gak ngerti gan. Hahaha iya itu cmna crta pribadi saja isinya dan terima kasih atas kunjungannya bro

  3. saya sendiri sudah pernah approve tapi sempat di banned entah kenapa

  4. aduh gan gak ngerti bahasanya, kayaknya harus buka google translate

    1. Hehe gap2 gan biar pinter bhasa inggris

  5. thanks gan infonya,, ga terlalu mudeng bacanya..jadinya pake google translate dech :v

    1. Haha berarti sama kayak ane bikinya hahaha pake google translite

  6. semoga banyak orang luar yang baca nih hhe

    1. semoga saja mas, google adsense memang ppc terpopuler

  7. sampai sekarang perjalanan saya di dunia adsense belum berhasil, semoga bisa kemudian hari

    1. Sebenarnya kalau dibilang berhasil, sayapun demikian belum berhasil, yang penting kita konsisten suhu, semangat


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